Founded ICE Solutions.

August 28, 2024

SharpIgnite, A Necessary Mess we have to Endure

Yes, it's a mess. It's legacy code. Here we are maintaining legacy codes and it is as old as it is, it's surely a mess. But a mess we need to organize a bit that it's a transitionary before we migrate the whole solution to .Net Core MVC. Which we can claim later the benefits of a proper modern web application. This problem has been bugging us fo...

August 23, 2024

TeamCity is Awesome, Just Saying

We have chosen TeamCity as our continuous integration server. We have yet to setup the CD (continuous deployment) part of it but we are enjoying it. So far. We are easily notified when builds are successful or have failed. It’s from JetBrains so it’s one great app to have. Especially for continuous integration. What we did different this time f...

August 21, 2024

Backup SQL Server Data using Bulk Copy Program

Sometimes Task->Generate Scripts takes too time to backup especially when you want to backup only selected tables in the database. This can be done easily with bcp, issuing the command in your power shell dumps the data in tab-delimited values into a file.\> bcp "DATABASE.dbo.TABLE" out "C:\Downloads\TABLE.sql" -c -S "HOSTNAME" -U USERNAME -P...

August 20, 2024

Easily Install Elastic Beanstalk CLI

Now we are trying Elastic Beanstalk with Laravel so we need easier way to deploy Laravel into AWS and Elastic Beanstalk seems to offer a very good option. This will just be a short entry for this blog as this is just for me to remind how I did install CLI for Elastic Beanstalk.There's no installer for the CLI but the python installer script can be ...

August 18, 2024

A Great Help for CodeIgniter 3

We know there's limited scaffold functionality for CodeIgniter 3. So this for our friends that are still using the  old CodeIgniter 3 framework. And most of cool friends will advice we move to Laravel for newer and modern applications. But we don't need to migrate anytime soon so why create small features for our legacy codes without the hassl...

August 16, 2024

Getting Started with Azure

Our team is starting out with Azure this week. We recently got a feature request from one of our project to support Active Directory. I must say, the interface of Azure is a bit easier than of GCloud. We will be doing a Single-sign on feature so I will be posting more technical posts about details on how to do Azure related topics. We are currently...

May 22, 2024

Counting Rows

Not the band, Counting Crows. Rows, like database rows. I love the band, btw. 90s, yeah! Anyway, there are several reasons why we need to count rows in SQL Server. Most important for me is knowing that a certain process affects certain database tables. Disregarding the update for now but what changes. What are new inserted rows? And what are delete...

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